You’re Unknown for your true value.
You’re probably experiencing feelings of frustration, anxiety, and overwhelm.  Your thwarted in many areas and goals. It seems unfair—why does it seem so easy for others?
Your Problem
Too much of your focus is spent trading time for compensation.
Your Focus
“Amplifying the value of your help” (remember this bit, it’s important) to start getting noticed for your value, not just your time. Understanding the value of your general and specialized knowledge while amping the value (and lowering the cost) of your dominant Personality and Transactional Behavior.
Your Win
You are getting more noticed for the value of your specialized help.
Five Stages of Professional Influence
Discover your level and ascend to the next stage
Thrive 30 Days
Thrive is the on-ramp for the acclaimed business curriculum, professional coaching, and career development programs available only from Influential U.
Our proprietary curriculum provides a proven framework to transact business better and fast-track achievement of both career and corporate goals.
Our rigorous business education programs go beyond what is taught at major business schools. They are designed for ambitious professionals ready to speed up, scale up and level up.
Start your 30-day free trial now and find out for yourself why professionals praise our business education and career development programs, and moreover why they keep coming back for more.
Use coupon "30DAYS" for 30-day free access 
What is Professional Influence?
Ability to create the professional career you desire.
Have work, work for you.
To be as rewarded and influential as you choose.
Have whole-life satisfaction.