Get to yes faster
Influential U gets real results. Our clients report earning more money, hitting health goals and having more time to enjoy both.
Accelerate your influence
We are all always transacting. 
Influential U can help you accelerate your influence in our immersive one-day workshop. We will introduce you to a next-generation framework to fast-track your influence, replicate the results, and achieve sustainable satisfaction. 
Since 2009 we have taught thousands of ambitious professionals in over 100 countries how to construct ethical exchanges that accelerate their influence.
Our practical program gets to the truth.  It is not a lecture, presentation or how-to session. It is immersive, interactive and yes, intensive. It’s not for the faint of ambition.
We will help you confront behaviors, practices, and naiveté which are preventing you from satisfying your health, career, and financial aims.
If you have mastered mad skills and still feel stalled, or if you are simply in search of that elusive X factor to achieve more faster, our Influence Accelerator workshops are for you.
There’s been a lot of talk lately about being influential and transactional—99.9% of it dead wrong. As our alum can attest, true transactionalism is much more. It’s how you accelerate achievement without hanging a for-sale sign on your soul.
So if you’re ready to level up your life, then join CEO John Patterson at an Influential U workshop near you. We’ll teach you how to get to yes faster.
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Use code EARLY2021 to enjoy EARLY PRICING for all workshops all season.