Get to yes faster
Influential U gets real results. Our clients report earning more money, hitting health goals and having more time to enjoy both.
Grow your professional influence 
Grow with exclusive online videos, resources, and live eCoaching webinars to help you overcome your greatest professional challenges and crush your goals. Be more influential, more rewarded, and more U.
Grow your professional influence with our education, coaching, and conferences. There are no limits, no right way; it’s yours to define. We offer three online programs to get you started on your journey to a higher education in Transactional Competence™.
FREE Superpower Webinar
Discover your inner superhero, accelerate your influence, and get to yes faster. This powerful 90-min webinar focuses on a primary cornerstone of Transactional Competence™ that we call Personality and Transactional Behavior; it’s about how we approach every exchange. It’s about how you and I grapple with our everyday interactions with people; all of our relationship conversations, business meetings, and essential exchanges.
Next free webinar happening soon...
FREE Fifteen with Faculty
Influential U teaches professionals how to transact powerfully. Spend fifteen minutes free with a member of our faculty and find out how we transform breakdowns into breakthroughs. Learn more about a proven framework to fast-track results that they don’t teach in business school. We’re here now to help you get to yes faster.
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