Personality and Transactional Behavior™
Understanding your transactional personality is the first key to achieving your aims—personal and professional.
How does a Performer influence?
A Performer personality is admirably fitted with constructing narratives with relationships in mind. Once equipped with a mission, they can be observed seeding the targeted social ecology with carefully constructed narratives of meaning which help to immediately shape new thinking and acting.

They first seek, nurture, and fortify relationships with powerful Centers of Influence, making promises to help them with their breakdowns. Then they share compelling stories that produce support and buy-in. They construct anecdotes that resonate with those they seek to influence. They continue to do this throughout the fabric of the relationships within the ecology they seek to occupy, build, or maintain.

A Performer might consider building influence by looking for opportunities to produce the following in the environments they seek to influence:
Talking points
They would be wise to enlist Producers to seed the environment with the processes and structures required to get their promises and commitments fulfilled and satisfied.
Stay tuned for more information and insights about how Performer personalities can accelerate their influence, your influence.
Influential U teaches professionals how to transact powerfully. Spend fifteen minutes free with a member of our faculty and find out how we transform breakdowns into breakthroughs. Learn more about a proven framework to fast-track results that they don’t teach in business school. We’re here now to help you get to yes faster.